
Rose of Sharon Essential Oil and its Use

For more information, please visit Rebecca’s website http://HealWithOil.com.

In ancient times, the Cistus Creticus (Cistus grows up at East), also known as the “rock rose,” was believed to be the Rose of Sharon.  As goats and sheep roamed through the brush, this flower became entangled in their coats.  While caring for their sheep, the shepherds would collect it from their wool and rub the resin on their cuts and wounds to soothe them.
Coats with labdanum in Labdanum area northern Crete.  

This multi-petal flower is found in the fertile plain called Sharon between Jaffa and Mount Carmel in Israel.  It has a honey scent from an aromatic gum that exudes from the plant.

The Hebrew word sharon means “meadow-saffron, crocus, and rose (place of pasture).”   It is a derivative for Sarai, which means “princess.”

Think of how the thornless Rose of Sharon beautifully mirrors Yeshua’s tender love, as spoken of in Song of Solomon 2:1: “I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys.”   The Scriptures tell believers that they are the sheep of His pasture and feed among the lilies.

Cistus Creticus - Rose of Sharon
Therapeutic/Medicinal Uses

Rose of Sharon has been studied for its therapeutic effect on cell regeneration according to Dr. David Stewart, author of “Healing Oils of the Bible.”[1]

Rose of Sharon has been used for bronchitis, respiratory infections, urinary tract infections, wounds, and wrinkles.  It is also known to be anti-infectious, antiviral, and antibacterial.  Rose of Sharon helps to reduce inflammation and acts as a powerful anti-hemorrhaging agent.  The Essential Oils Desk Reference reports that it also helps strengthen the immune system.[2]

Rose of Sharon helps to quiet the nerves and elevate the emotions during prayer.  Studies revealed that people taking antidepressant drugs found this oil to be mood-elevating by rubbing it on their bodies or just inhaling it.[3]

[1] Stewart, David, Ph.D., D.N.M.  Healing Oils of the Bible.  Care Publications.  2003.  Page 218.

[2] Essential Oils Desk Reference.  Essential Science Publishing.

[3] Higley, Alan and Conni.  Reference Guide to Essential Oils.  Abundant Health.

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