
Today : The official opening of the New Acropolis Museum.

Labdanum - Cistus and Ancient Greece.

HERODOTUS (484 BC– 425 BC) THALIA 112.

"Ledanum, which the Arabs call ladanum, is procured in a yet stranger fashion. Found in a most inodorous place, it is the sweetest-scented of all substances. It is gathered from the beards of he-goats, where it is found sticking like gum, having come from the bushes on which they browse. It is used in many sorts of unguents, and is what the Arabs burn chiefly as incense.

Herodotus worl


1.HIPPOCRATES( 460 BC - 370 BC).
Hippocrates of Cos II or Hippokrates of Kos "father of medicine"

2.THEOPHRASTUS ( 371 – c. 287 BC).
His two surviving botanical works, Enquiry into Plants and On the Causes of Plants, were an important influence on medieval science.

OR CAIUS PLINIUS SECUNDUS, (AD 23 – August 24, AD 79).
Gaius or Caius Plinius Secundus, better known as Pliny the Elder, was an ancient author, naturalist or natural philosopher and naval and military commander of some importance who wrote Naturalis Historia.


5.CELSUS ( 1nd century ).
Celsus Greek philosopher and opponent of Christianity. He is known to us mainly through the reputation of his literary work, The True Word.

6.GALEN (AD 129 –ca. 200 or 216).
Galen was a prominent ancient Greek physician, whose theories dominated Western medical science for well over a millennium.

1 comment:

BCas said...

Oi Querido
Grande post. Labdanum é uma nota muito especial! Beijocas
Hi darling.
Great post. Labdanum is a very particulare note.XOXO.Elisabeth

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